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Smiles and slideshows

We've spent a lot of time lately thinking about our time with Oscar, and all the joy it brought us. Looking through our pictures, I've been struck by how often we're smiling, not just for the camera but really smiling. I saw a quote today that really struck me; 'You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.” —Jonathan Sarfan Foer. I think we recognized this journey could bring happiness and sadness, and left ourselves open to both, with a beautiful result. I wouldn't trade away any of the sorrow, if it meant giving up the joy as well.

I would like to share the slideshows we played at Oscar's service. I think they provide a beautiful summary of his life. There may be a few tears, but there are many, many smiles.

Our slideshow of our time together while I was pregnant:

Our photographer’s slideshow of Oscar's birth and time with us:



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