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35 weeks

It's hard to believe we're already at this point! By making it 35 weeks (Oct 5) or almost 8 months into this pregnancy, Oscar has already made a remarkable achievement. He is growing consistently (and is an average size!), continues to move strongly, and is showing off a regular heartbeat at our check ups with the midwives. For a baby with trisomy 18, especially a boy, these are impressive accomplishments, and they leave us wondering what else he might do!

In spite of these accomplishments (or perhaps because of them!), our nervousness and uncertainty is growing along with Oscar. We really don't know what will happen at his birth. There's still a risk of stillbirth or death during delivery, with no real way to predict what might happen. He may have trouble once he's out of the supportive environment of the womb, or he may be up to the challenge, and there's really no way to know. All we can do is wait and wonder, and enjoy these moments we've been given.

Two weekends ago we headed over to Vancouver Island for my niece's 3rd birthday party. It was a fun getaway with beautiful weather and a great chance to spend even more time with family. Oscar liked the ferry ride, but it will probably be the last time we go somewhere that's not within easy driving distance of the hospital before he arrives!

Oscar seems to like it a lot when his family is around. He moves a lot when he hears his sisters (he seems especially responsive when Alice is up at odd hours, like he wants to join the party!). Sometimes in the evening Peter will put his hand on my belly, and Oscar will move to where Peter's hand is, almost as if he's rubbing against it. There is no doubt that he knows us already.

We'll continue to wait with Oscar and enjoy this time as much as we can. Thanks for sharing him with us; we'll keep you posted!

Love Jill, Peter, Emma, Alice and Oscar

Cheese grin



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