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Growing strong

We had an ultrasound Aug 21, and it was lovely to see Oscar on screen again. My mom, dad and Emma came along too, so we had a bit of a party in the ultrasound room and Oscar got to show off for a crowd. He didn't disappoint, and was waving at everyone while wiggling around. We even got an ultrasound picture without his hand in front of his face! He was sitting in a breech position (bum down, head up, and feet up in the air!) but he still has lots of time to turn. I'm thinking upside down thoughts, since delivery will be smoother for everyone if he's head down!

Peter and I then had a brief follow up with the maternal fetal medicine team. Since Oscar seems to be growing, my amniotic fluid levels seem normal, and my blood pressure has been normal, we shouldn't need to see them again. They arranged an appointment with the neonatology doctors, who will be involved if Oscar is born before 35 weeks (that appointment happens next week). We then had a follow up meeting with one of the nurses from Canuck Place (the children's hospice) to review Oscar's care plan. It was well put together and comprehensive; we're very happy to have them helping us!

It is a strange situation to be in, on one hand celebrating Oscar's achievements while on the other hand preparing for the possibility that despite all these hopeful signs, he may not be with us for long. It is strange to balance midwife appointments with cemetery visits, but I actually feel better preparing for all the possibilities I can. We are lucky to have such great support around us while we travel this road.

Wednesday (Aug 27) we had another midwife appointment, and we got the official results from the ultrasound. Incredibly, Oscar seems to be growing well, and was actually measuring in the normal range for a baby of his age! This is especially impressive since babies with trisomy 18 are usually quite small, and their growth tends to slow towards the end of pregnancy, but so far Oscar is staying on track and has actually moved up the growth curve a little! His estimated weight at 28 weeks was 1220 g (or 2 lbs 11oz). He seems to be working hard and we're very proud of him. It was nice to hear his heartbeat again, and he continues to be very active.

Things are a little quieter around here, with Emma off in Italy until Sept 8 and Alice in Langley for the weekend. Peter and I are looking forward to attending the wedding of good friends this weekend, as child-free adults!

Thanks as always for your support, and for checking in on Oscar. I know I haven't replied to all the messages people have sent me, but please know we appreciate each and every one!

Love Jill, Peter, Emma, Alice and Oscar



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