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Celebrating Oscar

On Sunday November 16 we gathered with family and friends at the aptly named Celebration Hall (at Mountain View cemetery here in Vancouver) to celebrate Oscar’s time with us. It was a gorgeous sunny day. After a whirlwind of a week, all the pieces came together and we were able to have a beautiful celebration while Peter’s parents and both my sisters (and brother-in-laws) were in town. There were many people who were able to make it, and many people who I know held us in their thoughts. We laughed (seventy plus people trying to sing along with a hymn they didn’t all know, with piped in music, is a memory that will make me giggle for a while!), cried, and remembered our little man together. Our priest Harold (from St Anselm’s Anglican Church) led a touching formal service. My mom spoke beautifully, and revealed an incredibly thoughtful surprise; she had asked friends and family to write a letter to us about Oscar and what he meant to them, and she presented them to us after the service. Peter and I both managed to say a few words about our precious boy. We then shared two slideshows, one we had put together about Oscar’s time while I was pregnant, and another by our photographer which told the story of his brief time with us (I’ll hopefully be able to share links to the videos soon). After the service we were able to mingle and talk, and just enjoy the company of so many wonderful people.

It was a beautiful day, and a fitting celebration, but it did feel a bit surreal. I will admit to feeling a bit lost now that it’s all over; I’m not sure what to plan for next. My life these past several months has been caught up in Oscar’s, and now I need to start finding my way on my own again. The memories we have, and the support we have all around us, will be so important as we find our way forward. Thanks for having shared this time with us.

Love Jill, Peter, Emma, Alice, and always Oscar



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