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Well, here we are at 37 weeks! Things haven't really changed since the last update; Oscar is still moving, kicking, and hopefully growing, and seems to be in a good head down position. I still can’t believe he's made it this far; we are so grateful for the time we have had with him already. Having just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, it seems like a good time to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for. It was also suggested to me that if I record these things now, it could be helpful to have them to look back on when times are tough. So, here are some of the many things we can be thankful for so far:

  • Having had this much time with Oscar, when we knew he had a high chance of miscarriage or pre-term birth

  • Early diagnosis, which gave us time to learn, grieve, and celebrate every moment we had with Oscar, rather than be surprised later in pregnancy or at his birth. So many people suffer from unexpected miscarriage or stillbirth, and we have had the chance to prepare, as we can, for what may come

  • An incredible health care system; we have been treated with compassion and skill, have been given choices in Oscar’s care, and have had those choices respected all along

  • Support from friends and family near and far, both expected and unexpected sources. Our family and close friends have been a huge source of strength and support, but we have also reconnected with old friends and met many new amazing people along the way. This whole experience has brought us closer to so many people

  • Being reminded to savour every moment, not just with Oscar, but with each other. At work I’m often reminded that none of us know what will happen in our lives or when, so I try to live my life enjoying the small things and appreciating each day, but this whole experience has really brought that point home

  • We can even be grateful for the flu the whole family has had this last week (which is the main reason this post has no pictures of us!). At least we got it somewhat sequentially, so we could look after each other. Also, getting it before Oscar arrived has been a blessing, as it would be a very dangerous thing for him to catch

  • And finally, all the little things, like seeing Oscar wave at an ultrasound or feeling him kick and move around, feeling him respond to Peter’s touch or Alice or Emma’s voice. Each moment is made more precious given that we don’t know how many we’ll get

For now, we’ll continue to enjoy these moments and be grateful for everything we’ve experienced so far. Thank you again for letting us share Oscar with you and for being a part of his story.

Love Jill, Peter, Emma, Alice and Oscar



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